calgary home renovation

I want to do a home renovation: Where do I begin?

The idea of undertaking a home renovation can be a daunting and colossal task. Without a doubt many homeowners feel overwhelmed and overridden with ideas, stemming from themselves as well as family, friends and acquaintances alike. 

The most arduous part of beginning a renovation is knowing where to begin. When this is the case, as it is for many individuals, it’s best to take a moment to gather your boisterous thoughts and apply a degree of objectivity to your process. Regardless of if you are planning a whole-house renovation or simply adding some fundamental reorganization, there are plenty of factors that will need coordination in order to be executed properly. 

Plan a methodical home renovation

It’s best to work systematically through each room in the house to establish the extent of work and outlay required. One of the best places to begin is in the hallway  — typically this is one area that is deceptively overlooked and requires more thought than what most imagine.


Think methodically about each room in terms of the flooring, walls, ceiling, lighting and furnishings. It’d be best to prepare a list that encompasses all the materials and items you’re envisioning for your home. The goal of this list is to try to create a priced inventory list for a successful home renovation.


Identify existing issues, before considering solutions

If  significant alterations or extensive extensions are envisaged, it may be best to reflect at the outset on what’s propelling the need for this work in the first place. 

Thinking specifically about what issues are present in terms of space, light and storage. By exploiting each of these elements to its fullest is fundamental in creating a home that is tailored to your needs. 

Create two comparison list to identify gaps

It’s also best to prepare an inventory of the rooms you currently have and how they’re being used. After preparing your list, create an additional list and itemize this list with ideal spaces you desire and the use or purpose they would serve. Imagine this second list as if you were writing the brief for your ideal home. 

When you compare these lists, it should identify any “gaps” that you may want to fill. This can help refine the scope and direction of your project, which makes any pivoting or adjustments easier to see clearly and then subsequently plan. 

Seek professional advice from home renovation contractor

Renovating a single room or a whole house is a task that takes great consideration, time, and effort. It’s completely understandable that some individuals may feel in over their heads. If you do find you’re feeling out of your depth, seek expert advice.

A professional home renovator contractor will be able to advise you on how to best budget your funds and can even assist you in saving money while completing your home renovations, they also help you avoid making costly mistakes and saving you money along the way. It’s a general rule of thumb that the sooner you involve a professional in your project – even if it’s just for a simple but thorough consultation – the better. 

Trademark Renovations is the leading renovations company in Calgary. With over 30 years of experience, a wealth of design and building knowledge, and numerous consumer choice awards. Our commitment to producing outstanding work, and offering honest, transparent customer service, is why the industry regularly recognizes us. Whether you are looking for new home additions in Calgary or a new kitchen, we are your trusted company. Contact us at 403-277-5600.

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